Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category

Nevada sheriff announces feds to reopen land and end standoff with Cliven Bundy
April 12, 2014

The Infowars exclusive yesterday exposing U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s (D-Nev.) involvement in the Bureau of Land Management’s land grab, which was trying to push out American ranchers such as Cliven Bundy in order to make way for Chinese solar farms, was the #1 news story in the entire world over the past 24 hours thanks to the Drudge Report and others, forcing the BLM to retreat from the standoff.

A screenshot of the Viral News Chart, showing the Infowars article connecting Sen. Reid to the land grab as the #1 story in the world.

The article, Breaking: Sen. Harry Reid Behind BLM Land Grab of Bundy Ranch, revealed that Sen. Reid is directly destroying the livelihoods of hard-working American ranchers in order to profit from future deals with Chinese energy firms and was shared on Facebook over 44,000 times, Twitter over 34,000 times and was even shared on the professional networking site LinkedIn.

And it worked. Today the Sheriff of Clark County, Nevada, Douglas Gillespie, announced that the BLM would retreat from its standoff with cattle rancher Cliven Bundy.

No doubt that the feds realized that they could not win the public relations war after the public realized that this land grab was for a solar farm.

Now this could be a ruse for the time being to get the crowds to leave so the feds can continue its criminal operation later, but Alex Jones doubts that because they have definitely lost the moral high-ground.

This is a HUGE victory that shows what We the People can do.

The coverage of the Nevada standoff on the Drudge Report, the #1 news aggregate in the world.

Spearheaded by the #1 news aggregate in the world, the Drudge Report, the real media, once called the alternative media, grew from the grassroots to report on real news and truth, unlike top-down mainstream media organizations which have been influenced by the CIA and other government agencies since at least the early 1950s and are little more than government propaganda outlets.

Americans want real truth, not lies and whitewash designed to cover up the galactic level of fraud seeping through all levels of our government which is leading once-prosperous America down the road to serfdom and poverty.

When the Founding Fathers drafted the First Amendment, particularly the freedom of the press, they envisioned the press as citizen-journalists such as Thomas Paine who stood up to the collective power structure as individuals willing to defend their birthrights.

They didn’t envision the dinosaur news outlets that we have today which serve the elite and not the people.

And everyone can stand up for their rights by becoming citizen-journalists! Shoot videos exposing corruption and fraud on your local level! Educate others through print and media about their birth rights and their human potential which only comes through liberty! Report on the real truth instead of the lies printed in ink on every newspaper daily!

Thomas Jefferson once wrote “enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.”

This will happen by investigating the world around you instead of accepting the lies propagated by the establishment and the mainstream media.

This article was posted: Saturday, April 12, 2014 at 1:03 pm

BLM attempted cover-up of Sen. Reid/Chinese gov’t takeover of ranch for solar farm

Kit Daniels
April 11, 2014

The Bureau of Land Management, whose Director was Sen. Harry Reid’s (D-Nev.) former senior adviser, has purged documents from its web site stating that the agency wants Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s cattle off of the land his family has worked for over 140 years in order to make way for solar panel power stations.

The first segment of the document pulled by the feds from

Deleted from but reposted for posterity by the Free Republic, the BLM document entitled “Cattle Trespass Impacts” directly states that Bundy’s cattle “impacts” solar development, more specifically the construction of “utility-scale solar power generation facilities” on “public lands.”

“Non-Governmental Organizations have expressed concern that the regional mitigation strategy for the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone utilizes Gold Butte as the location for offsite mitigation for impacts from solar development, and that those restoration activities are not durable with the presence of trespass cattle,” the document states.

The second segment of the document pulled by the feds from

Another BLM report entitled Regional Mitigation Strategy for the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone (BLM Technical Note 444) reveals that Bundy’s land in question is within the “Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone and surrounding area” which is part of a broad U.S. Department of Energy program for “Solar Energy Development in Six Southwestern States” on land “managed” by BLM.

“In 2012, the BLM and the U.S. Department of Energy published the Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) for Solar Energy Development in Six Southwestern States,” the report reads. “The Final Solar Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement assessed the impact of utility-scale solar energy development on public lands in the six southwestern states of Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah.”

“The Approved Resource Management Plan Amendments/Record of Decision (ROD) for Solar Energy Development in Six Southwestern States implemented a comprehensive solar energy program for public lands in those states and incorporated land use allocations and programmatic and SEZ-specific design features into land use plans in the six-state study area.”

In 2012, the New American reported that Harry Reid’s son, Rory Reid, was the chief representative for a Chinese energy firm planning to build a $5-billion solar plant on public land in Laughlin, Nevada.

And journalist Marcus Stern with Reuters also reported that Sen. Reid was heavily involved in the deal as well.

“[Reid] and his oldest son, Rory, are both involved in an effort by a Chinese energy giant, ENN Energy Group, to build a $5 billion solar farm and panel manufacturing plant in the southern Nevada desert,” he wrote. “Reid has been one of the project’s most prominent advocates, helping recruit the company during a 2011 trip to China and applying his political muscle on behalf of the project in Nevada.”

“His son, a lawyer with a prominent Las Vegas firm that is representing ENN, helped it locate a 9,000-acre (3,600-hectare) desert site that it is buying well below appraised value from Clark County, where Rory Reid formerly chaired the county commission.”

Although these reports are in plain view, the mainstream media has so far ignored this link.

The BLM’s official reason for encircling the Bundy family with sniper teams and helicopters was to protect the endangered desert tortoise, which the agency has previously been killing in mass due to “budget constraints.”

“A tortoise isn’t the reason why BLM is harassing a 67 year-old rancher; they want his land,” journalist Dana Loesch wrote. “The tortoise wasn’t of concern when [U.S. Senator] Harry Reid worked with BLM to literally change the boundaries of the tortoise’s habitat to accommodate the development of his top donor, Harvey Whittemore.”

“Reid is accused of using the new BLM chief as a puppet to control Nevada land (already over 84% of which is owned by the federal government) and pay back special interests,” she added. “BLM has proven that they’ve a situational concern for the desert tortoise as they’ve had no problem waiving their rules concerning wind or solar power development. Clearly these developments have vastly affected a tortoise habitat more than a century-old, quasi-homesteading grazing area.”

“If only Clive Bundy were a big Reid donor.”

Update: The Drudge Report, the #1 news aggregate site in the world, has now picked up this story. Unfortunately for the BLM, the documents they wanted to delete are now exposed for the world to see.



By Kurtis Lee
The Denver Post

POSTED:   04/09/2014 05:52:05 PM MDT



A proposal to require parents to take an online course that showcases the benefits and risks of vaccinating their children received several hours of testimony in a Senate committee Wednesday evening from those on both sides of the issue.


The day ended without a vote, which will come next week.


Current Colorado law requires only a parent’s signature to claim a personal, medical or religious exemption from vaccination, with the majority of exemptions for personal reasons.


House Bill 1288 focuses on the personal-belief portion of the law. It would require parents to complete an online-education course that discloses the benefits and risks of immunization if they choose to opt out for personal reasons.



The measure passed through the House last month on a bipartisan 42-19 vote.


Parents who believe more children need to be vaccinated and others who believe this will lead to mandatory vaccination requirements packed into the Capitol’s Old Supreme Court Chambers ahead of Wednesday’s hearing.


“This moves us toward vaccinations for everyone and eliminating exemptions altogether,” said Robyn Charron, a Denver resident with two young children. Charron said her 4-year-old son received a vaccine injury that affected his brain. As a result, her 2-year-old daughter is not vaccinated.


Sen. Irene Aguilar, D-Denver, the bill’s Senate sponsor, said the measure “balances rights by simply adopting a requirement that parents receive credible information before exempting their children from immunization requirements.”


“We are seeing Colorado children diagnosed and hospitalized with vaccine-preventable diseases,” Aguilar said.


In Colorado, a recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that 85 percent of kindergartners entering elementary school in the fall of 2012 were vaccinated for measles, mumps and rubella, or MMR. That was among the lowest percentages. Mississippi and Maryland had rates near 100 percent.


Kurtis Lee: 303-954-1655, or


Read more: Colorado Senate hears testimony on bill to educate parents on vaccines – The Denver Post
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April, 9, 2014

By Michael Sandoval 

The second in a multi-part series.

Top administration officials for Gov. John Hickenlooper asked the Environmental Protection Agency for help killing a 2012 Republican-sponsored water bill that would have saved rural Colorado water districts and their customers millions of dollars, according to recently obtained emails.

Those emails, uncovered by The Competitive Enterprise Institute and CEI senior fellow Chris Horner in October 2013 as part of a Freedom of Information Act request, demonstrate ongoing conversations over several months between officials in the Governor’s Office and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and Region 8 EPA Director Jim Martin, all of whom sometimes used private, unofficial emails for official government business.

The emails show that administration officials asked Martin for EPA help defeating the bill in the Democratic-controlled State Senate because Hickenlooper feared political fallout and would not veto the bill if it made it to his desk.

Senate Democrats on the Senate Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Energy Committee voted to postpone indefinitely the water bill in a party-line vote on May 3, 2012. The vote killed the bill before it reached Hickenlooper.

icon_exclusiveAlan Salazar, Chief Strategy Officer to the Governor of the state of Colorado, and Martha Rudolph, director of Environmental Programs for CDPHE, used a combination of unofficial and official email addresses in their communications with Martin, who was also using an unauthorized, private email account to both receive and send emails pertaining to the Colorado regulation and legislation.

Martin resigned from the EPA on February 15, 2012. In response to a separate FOIA seeking Martin’s private emails to environmental activists, the EPA administrator had denied using “his personal account to conduct official business,” according to The Daily Caller.

While Martin offered in his supplemental declaration at the time that he “did not take any action on these emails sent to my personal email account or otherwise rely on these emails in furtherance of EPA business” with regard to the separate emails discovered by CEI’s other FOIA request, Martin repeatedly received, and sometimes responded to, emails from Rudolph and Salazar from 2011 to 2012 obtained by CEI and the Independence Institute.

‘I would like to strategize on this’

Beginning in December 2011 Rudolph, using her official CDPHE email address, contacted Martin’s private account about proposed regulations targeting “nitrogen and phosphorus discharged from wastewater treatment plants into rivers, streams, lakes and reservoirs” across the state.

On December 14, 2011, Rudolph forwarded an email to Martin that contained a letter written by regional wastewater managers concerned about the fiscal impact the CDPHE Water Quality Control Division’s proposed 85 and 31 regulations would have on small, rural communities.

Rudolph noted the perceived strength of the arguments laid out in the attached letter (see below)—specifically the lack of a mandate for the new regulations, and the need for the EPA to weigh in on behalf of the regulatory proposal.

“We are likely fighting a losing battle on nutrients, see attached letter. We have met with the Governor’s office, and with the Governor, but I fear the comments in the attached letter will outweigh our arguments in support of the regulation. I believe the assertions that this is not federally required and that there is no required timeframe will be too compelling,” Rudolph wrote in the email.

“So we have been talking over here about the possibility of EPA, at the highest level, having a conversation with the Governor – about the need for the regulation, and specifically what EPA would do if Colorado does not act. I would like to strategize on this, if you think it may be doable. There will also be legislation introduced that would prohibit us from adopting a nutrients regulation. When you have a moment perhaps you could call or we could meet,” Rudolph concluded.

The FOIA does not reveal Martin responding to Rudolph’s pleas for EPA assistance.

‘We don’t want to expose the administration to political fire’

The legislation introduced during the 2012 legislative session that Rudolph mentioned—HB 1161, sponsored by then-Rep. Marsha Looper (R-El Paso)—called for a one-year postponement of the proposed water regulations. The bill ordered a report from a “nutrients scientific advisory board” that would consider cost-benefit analysis and compliance with a previous Hickenlooper executive order against regulations not mandated specifically by law, and unfunded mandates.

The wastewater managers in their December letter to the Governor shared both of those concerns—exceeding federal mandates and imposing onerous costs of compliance.

Salazar, using his AOL account, emailed Martin’s private account about the then-pending legislation and his “Thoughts on Nutrients Response” following the bill’s 8-5 approval from the House Agriculture, Livestock, and Natural Resources committee to the House Committee on Appropriations on March 12, 2012.

At 2:54 p.m. on March 17 Salazar wrote, “1. My sense is that it’s fine to take some time with the response. Doesn’t have to be soon – maybe better if it’s not too quick. 2. Specificity and direction with regard to the questions posed would also be helpful. 3. We don’t want to expose the administration to political fire, but also need to see language that articulates the hard legal consequences for the state. 4. Deeply sorry (me to you) but you don’t need to put that in the letter.”

Martin responded to Salazar at 5:32 p.m.

“Thanks, Alan. In a session and missed your call. Amazingly easier to do work when you are sitting in a hotel room far away. Hearing rumors of more changes [to the bill] so unsure of how best to proceed. But speed is not our forte, that’s for sure.

Salazar had written to Martin at 4:52 p.m. as well, with a suggested line.

“How about: Dear Governor: It’s a friggin unfunded mandate, so sit and spin… Sincerely.”

“I could try that. But not sure LPJ (Lisa P. Jackson) would let me keep my corner office. Let me tone it down just a tad,” Martin wrote back at 6:17 p.m.

‘We do know that he will not veto Looper’s bill if it passes’

Two days before the House Appropriations committee would send the bill to the Committee of the Whole, Martin reached out to Rudolph’s Gmail account, seeking an update on “Water quality” on March 21, 2012 at 4:06 p.m.

“Any more insights into what is happening? And how was ECOS? I think I owe you a drink, by the way,” Martin wrote.

Rudolph responded to Martin a few hours later, at 8:55 p.m.

“Don’t know what is happening – I believe the Gov is waiting to see what EPA does. I will try to find out (although I was told by several in the Gov’s office that the Gov was going to Ok the rule two days before he/she sent the letter so even those in the inner sanctum don’t really know what is happening) We do know that he will not veto Looper’s bill if it passes. What do you think EPA’s response will be? ECOS was good – nice to get away,” Rudolph emailed.

She added, “Drinks would be great. Any free time in the next couple of weeks?”

The next morning, at 9:01 a.m., Martin responded.

“Thanks. Have not seen Looper’s bill, but will go looking for it. Could do drinks Mon, Tues, Thurs, Friday of next week. But not before noon. Cheers,” Martin wrote.

‘Bottom line – are comments from EPA helpful or hurtful?’

In the final set of emails from April 2012, Martin asks Rudolph what effect is perceived when the EPA weighs on state-level issues, this time on “Water and arsenic.”

“Martha – your vm stopped before you did, I think. Bottom line – are comments from EPA helpful or hurtful?” Martin queried.

“They have been helpful. Bob Benson knows the difficulties associated with selecting a standard that is below detect [sic] but more significantly below treatable levels. He recommended a level that is protective yet I understand is relatively easy to treat to,” Rudolph responded. Benson is a senior EPA employee with water-related expertise.

“Thanks,” Martin wrote back.

Click here to read Part I of the series.



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Thursday, April 10, 2014
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of


(NaturalNews) It’s tax season again, and much of the U.S. population is busy filling out tax forms to send their hard-earned money to Washington. The crazy thing about this bizarre ritual is that it’s based on a myth: the U.S. government doesn’t need your tax dollars to fund its operations at all!

In this latest episode of Awakenings, I explain exactly why the government doesn’t need your money and why the tax code is actually a system of social engineering rather than revenue generation.

Click here to watch the short video now, covering:

• Why the idea that your tax dollars are needed to fund the government is a myth.

• How the federal government can — and does — create trillions of dollars out of nothing when it wants to (for bailing out wealthy banks).

• Why the real purpose of the IRS tax code is to exist as a tool of social control where behaviors can be punished or rewarded by lawmakers and special interests.

• How money is created as a debt burden against the People.

• Total federal tax revenues are only around $3 trillion annually.

• Why the federal income tax could be abolished overnight — and the government would never run out of money.

• How abolishing all federal income taxes could revolutionize the U.S. economy and create millions of jobs, supporting small businesses, local jobs, investment, savings and more.

• How to government is already creating over $1 trillion a year in new money that’s handed over to wealthy banks and injected into the economy.

See more episodes of Awakenings at

Here’s the full episode:


Faith Mangan & Alicia Acuna
Fox News
April 8, 2014

“They’re spending us to death,” said landowner Andy Barrie.

He is not talking about property taxes, inflation or even the cost of skiing in glitzy ski country. Rather, he’s talking about the legal fight he and his wife have been waging to save their pristine piece of mountain property — with breathtaking views of Colorado’s high country — from being taken over by the county through eminent domain.

Their battle is a unique test of private property rights. Unlike in countless other cases, where local governments have used those powers to seize land to make way for a road or some economic development project, Colorado’s Summit County is using eminent domain to go after the Barries’ land simply because officials want the open space.

Read more

This article was posted: Tuesday, April 8, 2014 at 4:35 pm

9:47 PM 04/07/2014

Americans have recently been hit with some of the largest premium increases in years, according to a Morgan Stanley survey of insurance brokers.

The investment bank’s April survey of 148 brokers found that this quarter, the average premium increase for customers renewing an insurance plan is 12 percent in the small group market and 11 percent in the individual market, according to Forbes’ Scott Gottlieb.

The hikes — the largest in the past three years, according to Morgan Stanley’s quarterly reports — are “largely due to changes under the [Affordable Care Act],” analysts concluded. Rates have been growing increasingly fast throughout all of 2013, after a period of drops in 2012.

While insurers were hiking premiums since 2012 by smaller amounts, the lead-up to the Obamacare’s launch has seen the average rate at which premiums are growing fourfold.

The small group market saw a jump from a growth rate of close to 3 percent during Morgan Stanley’s September 2013 survey to just above 6 percent three months later in December — the month before a surge of Obamacare regulations hit insurance companies.

Over the next three months, the rate doubled again to the current average small growth premium growth rate of 12 percent.

Individual policies saw a much starker jump after the Obamacare exchanges launched, in anticipation of the health care law going live in 2014. Morgan Stanley’s September 2013 survey, like the previous three quarters, found a fairly constant growth rate around 2 percent — but in December, the rate had shot up to above 9 percent.

Morgan Stanley’s results echo what consumers are already seeing: the Affordable Care Act’s intensive regulation of the insurance market is driving health care premiums up strikingly.

The survey found that premium increases are due to several specific Obamacare policies. The most talked about may be the new benefits all insurance plans are required to offer and excise taxes targeted at insurers themselves, Forbes reports.

But there are two other big contributors to the rise in costs. Age restrictions on premiums prevent the insurer from charging older customers who cost more to cover a higher premium — hiking the costs for young and healthy people disproportionately. Commercial underwriting restrictions also bump up insurers’ costs and are reflected in premiums.

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see the video breakdown here.

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April 8, 2014

Alex Jones analyzes the public glaze over the issues behind real tragedies like the shooting at Ft. Hood.

This article was posted: Tuesday, April 8, 2014 at 5:04 am

APRIL 7–When friends and family members gathered recently at the White House for a private celebration of Michelle Obama’s 50th birthday, one of the invited partygoers was a former paid FBI Mafia informant.

That same man attended February’s state dinner in honor of French President Francois Hollande. He was seated with his girlfriend at a table adjacent to President Barack Obama, who is likely unaware that, according to federal agents, his guest once interacted with members of four of New York City’s five organized crime families. He even secretly taped some of those wiseguys using a briefcase that FBI technicians outfitted with a recording device.

The high-profile Obama supporter was also on the dais atop the U.S. Capitol steps last year when the president was sworn in for a second term. He was seated in front of the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, two rows behind Beyonce and Jay Z, and about 20 feet from Eric Holder, the country’s top law enforcement officer. As head of the Department of Justice, Attorney General Holder leads an agency that once reported that Obama’s inauguration guest also had La Cosa Nostra contacts beyond Gotham, and engaged in “conversations with LCN members from other parts of the United States.”

The former mob snitch has become a regular in the White House, where he has met with the 44th president in the East Room, the Roosevelt Room, and the Oval Office. He has also attended Obama Christmas parties, speeches, policy announcements, and even watched a Super Bowl with the First Family (an evening the man has called “one of the highlights of my life”). During these gatherings, he has mingled with cabinet members, top Obama aides, military leaders, business executives, and members of Congress. His former confederates were a decidedly dicier lot: ex-convicts, extortionists, heroin traffickers, and mob henchmen. The man’s surreptitious recordings, FBI records show, aided his government handlers in the successful targeting of powerful Mafia figures with nicknames like Benny Eggs, Chin, Fritzy, Corky, and Baldy Dom.

Later this week, Obama will travel to New York and appear in a Manhattan hotel ballroom at the side of the man whom FBI agents primarily referred to as “CI-7”–short for confidential informant #7–in secret court filings. In those documents, investigators vouched for him as a reliable, productive, and accurate source of information about underworld figures.

The ex-informant has been one of Obama’s most unwavering backers, a cheerleader who has nightly bludgeoned the president’s Republican opponents in televised broadsides. For his part, Obama has sought the man’s counsel, embraced him publicly, and saluted his “commitment to fight injustice and inequality.” The president has even commented favorably on his friend’s svelte figure, the physical manifestation of a rehabilitation effort that coincided with Obama’s ascension to the White House. This radical makeover has brought the man wealth, a daily TV show, bespoke suits, a luxury Upper West Side apartment, and a spot on best seller lists.

Most importantly, he has the ear of the President of the United States, an equally remarkable and perplexing achievement for the former FBI asset known as “CI-7,” the Rev. Al Sharpton.

A lengthy investigation by The Smoking Gun has uncovered remarkable details about Sharpton’s past work as an informant for a joint organized crime task force comprised of FBI agents and NYPD detectives, as well as his dealings with an assortment of wiseguys.

Beginning in the mid-1980s and spanning several years, Sharpton’s cooperation was fraught with danger since the FBI’s principal targets were leaders of the Genovese crime family, the country’s largest and most feared Mafia outfit. In addition to aiding the FBI/NYPD task force, which was known as the “Genovese squad,” Sharpton’s cooperation extended to several other investigative agencies.

TSG’s account of Sharpton’s secret life as “CI-7” is based on hundreds of pages of confidential FBI affidavits, documents released by the bureau in response to Freedom of Information Act requests, court records, and extensive interviews with six members of the Genovese squad, as well as other law enforcement officials to whom the activist provided assistance.

Like almost every other FBI informant, Sharpton was solely an information source. The parameters of his cooperation did not include Sharpton ever surfacing publicly or testifying on a witness stand.

Genovese squad investigators–representing both the FBI and NYPD–recalled how Sharpton, now 59, deftly extracted information from wiseguys. In fact, one Gambino crime family figure became so comfortable with the protest leader that he spoke openly–during ten wired face-to-face meetings–about a wide range of mob business, from shylocking and extortions to death threats and the sanity of Vincent “Chin” Gigante, the Genovese boss who long feigned mental illness in a bid to deflect law enforcement scrutiny. As the mafioso expounded on these topics, Sharpton’s briefcase–a specially customized Hartman model–recorded his every word.

Task force members, who were interviewed separately, spoke on the condition of anonymity when describing Sharpton’s work as an informant and the Genovese squad’s activities. Some of these investigators provided internal FBI documents to a reporter.

Records obtained by TSG show that information gathered by Sharpton was used by federal investigators to help secure court authorization to bug two Genovese family social clubs, including Gigante’s Greenwich Village headquarters, three autos used by crime family leaders, and more than a dozen phone lines. These listening devices and wiretaps were approved during the course of a major racketeering investigation targeting the Genovese family’s hierarchy.

A total of eight separate U.S. District Court judges–presiding in four federal jurisdictions–signed interception orders that were based on sworn FBI affidavits including information gathered by Sharpton. The phones bugged as a result of these court orders included two lines in Gigante’s Manhattan townhouse, the home phone of Genovese captain Dominick “Baldy Dom” Canterino, and the office lines of music industry power Morris Levy, a longtime Genovese family associate. The resulting surreptitious recordings were eventually used to help convict an assortment of Mafia members and associates.

Investigators also used Sharpton’s information in an application for a wiretap on the telephone in the Queens residence of Federico “Fritzy” Giovanelli, a Genovese soldier. Giovanelli was sentenced to 20 years in prison for racketeering following a trial during which those recordings were played for jurors. In a recent interview, the 82-year-old Giovanelli–now three years removed from his latest stint in federal custody–said that he was unaware that Sharpton contributed in any fashion to his phone’s bugging. He then jokingly chided a reporter for inquiring about the civil rights leader’s past. “Poor Sharpton, he cleaned up his life and you want to ruin him,” Giovanelli laughed.

While Sharpton’s acrimonious history with law enforcement–especially the NYPD–rankled some Genovese squad investigators, they nonetheless grudgingly acknowledged in interviews that the activist produced for those he would go on to frequently pillory.

Genovese squad members, however, did not share with Sharpton specific details about how they were using the information he was gathering for them. This is standard practice since FBI affidavits in support of wiretap applications are filed under seal by Department of Justice prosecutors. Still, Sharpton was briefed in advance of his undercover sorties, so he was well aware of the squad’s investigative interest in Gigante and his Mafia cronies.

Sharpton vehemently denies having worked as an FBI informant. He has alleged that claims of government cooperation were attempts by dark forces to stunt his aggressive brand of civil rights advocacy or, perhaps, get him killed. In his most recent book, “The Rejected Stone,” which hit best seller lists following its October 2013 publication, Sharpton claimed to have once been “set up by the government,” whose agents later leaked “false information” that “could have gotten me killed.” He added, “So I have been seriously tested in what I believe over the years.”

In an interview Saturday, Sharpton again denied working as a confidential informant, claiming that his prior cooperation with FBI agents was limited to efforts to prompt investigations of drug dealing in minority communities, as well as the swindling of black artists in the recording industry. He also repeatedly denied being “flipped” by federal agents in the course of an undercover operation. When asked specifically about his recording of the Gambino crime family member, Sharpton was noncommittal: “I’m not saying yes, I’m not saying no.”

If Sharpton’s account is to be believed, he was simply a concerned citizen who voluntarily (and briefly) joined arm-in-arm with federal agents, perhaps risking peril in the process. The other explanation for Sharpton’s cooperation–one that has uniformly been offered by knowledgeable law enforcement agents–presents the reverend in a less noble light. Worried that he could face criminal charges, Sharpton opted for the path of self-preservation and did what the FBI asked. Which is usually how someone is compelled to repeatedly record a gangster discussing murder, extortion, and loan sharking.

Sharpton spoke for an hour in an office at the House of Justice, his Harlem headquarters, where he had just finished addressing a crowd of about 200 people that included his two adult daughters and his second wife (from whom he hasbeen separated for ten years). A few minutes into the interview, Sharpton asked, “Are you taping this?” A TSG reporter answered that he was not recording their interview, but had a digital recorder and wished to do so. Sharpton declined that request.

In the absence of any real examination/exhumation of Sharpton’s past involvement with the FBI and the Mafia, his denials have served the civil rights leader well. Scores of articles and broadcast reports about the Obama-era “rehabilitation” of Sharpton have mentioned his inflammatory past–Tawana Brawley, Crown Heights, Freddy’s Fashion Mart, and various anti-Semitic and homophobic statements. But his organized crime connections and related informant work have received no such scrutiny.

In a “60 Minutes” profile aired three months before the August 2011 launch of Sharpton’s MSNBC show, correspondent Lesley Stahl reported on the “tame” Sharpton’s metamorphosis from “loud mouth activist” to “trusted White House advisor who’s become the president’s go-to black leader.” As for prior underworld entanglements, those were quickly dispatched: “There were allegations of mob ties, never proved,” Stahl flatly declared.

As host of MSNBC’s “PoliticsNation,” Sharpton now reluctantly identifies himself as a member of the media, if not actually a journalist. He spends his time at 30 Rockefeller Plaza surrounded by reporters, editors, and researchers committed to accuracy and the exposure of those who violate the public trust. In fact, Sharpton himself delights in a daily feature that seeks to expose liars, hypocrites, and others engaged in deceit (his targets tend to be Republican opponents of the Obama administration). As he wraps this segment, Sharpton points his finger at the camera and addresses his quarry: “Nice try, but we gotcha!”

In addition to his MSNBC post, Sharpton heads the National Action Network, which describes itself as a “Christian activist organization.” Obama, who refers to Sharpton as “Rev” or “Reverend Al,” is scheduled to deliver a keynote address Friday at the group’s annual convention in New York City. Mayor Bill DeBlasio will preside Wednesday over the convention’s ribbon cutting ceremony, while Holder and three Obama cabinet secretaries will deliver speeches.

Sharpton has been a leading supporter of Holder, who spoke at the National Action Network’s 2012 convention and saluted the reverend for “your partnership, your friendship, and also for your tireless efforts to speak out for the voiceless, to stand up for the powerless, and to shine a light on the problems we must solve, and the promises we must fulfill.” Last Friday, Sharpton appeared on a panel at a Department of Justice forum led by Tony West, the agency’s third-ranking official. West thanked Sharpton for his “leadership, day in and day out, on issues of reconciliation and community restoration.”

According to its most recent IRS return, which Sharpton signed in mid-November 2013, the National Action Network pays him $241,402 annually for serving as president and CEO. In return for that hefty salary, Sharpton–who hosts a three-hour daily radio show in addition to his nightly cable TV program–reportedly works a 40-hour week for the not-for-profit (which lists unpaid tax liabilities totaling $813,576).

For longtime observers, the “new” Sharpton’s public prominence and West Wing access is bewildering considering that his history, mob ties included, could charitably be described as checkered. In fact, Obama has banished others guilty of lesser transgressions (see: Wright, Jeremiah).

Sharpton now calls himself a “refined agitator,” an activist no longer prone to incendiary language or careless provocations. Indeed, a Google check confirms that it has been years since he labeled a detractor a “faggot,” used the term “homos,” or derisively referred to Jewish diamond merchants.

* * *

As an “informant in development,” as one federal investigator referred to Sharpton, the protest leader was seen as an intriguing prospective source, since he had significant contacts in politics, boxing, and the music industry.

Before he was “flipped” in the course of an FBI sting operation in 1983, Sharpton had established relationships with promoter Don King, various elected officials, and several powerful New York hoodlums involved in concert promotion, record distribution, and talent management. At the time, the music business was “overrun by hustlers, con artists, black and white,” Sharpton recalled in his 1996autobiography. A federal agent who was not part of the Genovese squad–but who also used Sharpton as an informant–recalled that “everyone was trying to mine” his music industry ties.

In fact, by any measure, Sharpton himself was a Mafia “associate,” the law enforcement designation given to mob affiliates who, while not initiated, work with and for crime family members. While occupying the lowest rung on the LCN org chart–which is topped by a boss-underboss-consigliere triumvirate–associates far outnumber “made” men, and play central roles in a crime family’s operation, from money-making pursuits to more violent endeavors.

For more than four years, the fact that Sharpton was working as an informant was known only to members of the Genovese squad and a small number of other law enforcement agents. As with any Mafia informant, protecting Sharpton’s identity was crucial to maintaining the viability of ongoing investigations. Not to mention keeping him alive.

For example, an episode recounted by TSG sources highlighted the sensitive nature of Sharpton’s cooperation with the FBI/NYPD task force.

In advance of seeking court authorization to bug a pair of Genovese family social clubs and a Cadillac used by Gigante and Canterino, a draft version of a wiretap affidavit was circulated for review within the Genovese squad, which operated from the FBI’s lower Manhattan headquarters. The 53-page document, which detailed the “probable cause” to believe that listening devices would yield incriminatingconversations, concerned some investigators due to the degree to which the activities of Sharpton were described in the document.

While the affidavit prepared by FBI Agent Gerald King and a federal prosecutor only referred to Sharpton as “CI-7,” the document included the name of a Gambino mobster whom Sharpton taped, as well as the dates and details of five of their recorded meetings. Such specificity was problematic since the possibility existed that the affidavit’s finalized version could someday be turned over to defense lawyers in the discovery phase of a criminal trial.

Investigators fretted that Sharpton could easily be unmasked by the Gambino member, who, if ever questioned about his meetings with “CI-7,” would surely realize that Sharpton was the wired informant referred to in the FBI affidavit. That discovery, of course, could have placed Sharpton’s life in grave danger. The Gambino wiseguy, too, likely would have faced trouble, since he was recorded speaking about a wide range of Mafia matters, including Gigante’s illegal operations. The Genovese power–rightly paranoid about bugged phones and listening devices–famously forbid fellow gangsters from even speaking his name. In fact, if a wiseguy had to refer to Gigante during an in-person meeting, a quick stroke of the chin was the acceptable means of identification.

In response to concerns about the King affidavit, the draft, which a source provided to TSG, was rewritten to carefully shroud Sharpton’s work with government agents. The affidavit’s final version–which was submitted to two federal judges–no longer included the disclosure that “CI-7” had “consensually recorded his conversations” with a gangster. The wiseguy’s name was also deleted from the document, as was any reference to the Gambino family or the informant’s sex.

Instead, the revamped affidavit simply noted that “CI-7 reported” to the FBI various details of Genovese family rackets. The actual source of that valuable intelligence about Gigante & Co. had been carefully obscured. As were the details of how that information was obtained via Sharpton’s battery-powered valise.

But despite efforts like this to protect Sharpton, some details of his informant work leaked out in January 1988, when New York Newsday reported that the civil rights activist had cooperated with federal investigations targeting organized crime figures and Don King. Though he reportedly made incriminating admissions to the newspaper, Sharpton quickly issued vehement denials that he had snitched on anyone.

While acknowledging contact with law enforcement officials, Sharpton–then involved in the early stages of the Tawana Brawley hoax–said he sought the help of investigators to combat the crack cocaine epidemic ravaging New York’s poorest communities. Sharpton also claimed to have contacted agents (and pledged his assistance) after a Mafia associate allegedly threatened him over a music industry dispute.

Sharpton asserted that a phone installed in his Brooklyn apartment by federal investigators in mid-1987 was there to serve as a “hotline” for the public to report drug dealing. He flatly denied recording phone conversations at the direction of law enforcement agents. In one radio interview, Sharpton even declared, “We have an ethical thing against wiretapping.”

In fact, Sharpton had been cooperating with the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Brooklyn as part of an investigation targeting Don King. According to a source involved with that probe, federal agents “ran him for a couple of months,” during which time Sharpton “did some recordings” via his new home telephone. But the nascent Department of Justice operation was abruptly shuttered in the wake of the New York Newsday story.

The Brooklyn investigators were introduced to Sharpton in late-1987 by Joseph Spinelli, one of the reverend’s former FBI handlers (and one of the agents who initially secured his cooperation with the bureau). While Spinelli had left the FBI for another government post, he still helped facilitate Sharpton’s interaction with other investigators. “Joe was shopping him around,” one source recalled.

For example, in July 1987, Spinelli called a federal prosecutor in Los Angeles and offered Sharpton’s assistance with a matter the lawyer was handling. The case involved Salvatore Pisello, a mobbed-up music industry figure who had just been indicted for tax evasion (and whom Sharpton had previously accused of threatening his life).

Referring to Sharpton, ex-prosecutor Marvin Rudnick said in an interview, “I didn’t know who he was” when Spinelli called. In subsequent conversations with Rudnick, Sharpton provided information about Pisello and a related music industry matter that was being scrutinized by Justice Department investigators.

While Sharpton would not prove particularly helpful to Rudnick, the attorney clearly recalled his brief, unorthodox dealings with the New York activist. “I remember having to go to a pay phone to take the call because he didn’t want it to be traced,” Rudnick laughed.

* * *

So why did Sharpton agree to become an FBI informant? And why was he willing to risk the dangers inherent in such cooperation?

“He thought he didn’t have a choice,” one Genovese squad agent recalled.

In the course of an investigation being run by Spinelli and his partner John Pritchard, Sharpton was secretly recorded in meetings with an FBI undercover agent posing as a wealthy drug dealer seeking to promote boxing matches.

As previously reported, Colombo crime family captain Michael Franzese, who knew Sharpton, enlisted the activist’s help in connecting with Don King. Franzese and Sharpton were later surreptitiously filmed during one meeting with the undercover, while Sharpton and Daniel Pagano, a Genovese soldier, were recorded at another sit-down. Pagano’s father Joseph was a Genovese power deeply involved in the entertainment industry (and who also managed the crime family’s rackets in counties north of New York City).

During one meeting with Sharpton, the undercover agent offered to get him “pure coke” at $35,000 a kilo. As the phony drug kingpin spoke, Sharpton nodded his head and said, “I hear you.” When the undercover promised Sharpton a 10 percent finder’s fee if he could arrange the purchase of several kilos, the reverend referred to an unnamed buyer and said, “If he’s gonna do it, he’ll do it much more than that.” The FBI agent steered the conversation toward the possible procurement of cocaine, sources said, since investigators believed that Sharpton acquaintance Daniel Pagano–who was not present–was looking to consummate drug deals. Joseph Pagano, an East Harlem native who rose through a Genovese crew notorious for narcotics trafficking, spent nearly seven years in federal prison for heroin distribution.

While Sharpton did not explicitly offer to arrange a drug deal, some investigators thought his interaction with the undercover agent could be construed as a violation of federal conspiracy laws. Though an actual prosecution, an ex-FBI agent acknowledged, would have been “a reach,” agents decided to approach Sharpton and attempt to “flip” the activist, who was then shy of his 30th birthday. In light of Sharpton’s relationship with Don King, FBI agents wanted his help in connection with the bureau’s three-year-old boxing investigation, code named “Crown Royal” and headed by Spinelli and Pritchard.

The FBI agents confronted Sharpton with the undercover videos and warned that he could face criminal charges as a result of the secret recordings. Sharpton, of course, could have walked out and ran to King, Franzese, or Pagano and reported the FBI approach (and the fact that drug dealer “Victor Quintana” was actually a federal agent).

In subsequent denials that he had been “flipped,” Sharpton has contended that he stiffened in the face of the FBI agents, meeting their bluff with bluster and bravado. He claimed to have turned away Spinelli & Co., daring them to “Indict me” and “Prosecute.” Sharpton has complained that the seasoned investigators were “trying to sting me, entrap me…a young minister.”

In fact, Sharpton fell for the FBI ruse and agreed to cooperate, a far-reaching decision he made without input from a lawyer, according to sources. “I think there was some fear [of prosecution] on his part,” recalled a former federal agent. In a TSG interview, Sharpton claimed that he rebuffed the FBI agents, who, he added, threatened to serve him with a subpoena to testify before a federal grand jury investigating King. After being confronted by the bureau, Sharpton said he consulted with an attorney (whom he declined to identify).

Following bureau guidelines, agents formally opened a “137” informant file on Sharpton, a move that was approved by FBI supervisors, according to several sources. Agents anticipated using Sharpton in the “Crown Royal” case focusing on King, but during initial debriefings of their new recruit, it became clear that his contacts in the music business were equally appealing.

Sharpton had met James Brown in the mid-70s, and became extremely close to the R&B superstar. He worked for and traveled with the mercurial performer, married one of Brown’s backup singers, and wore the same processed hairdo as the entertainer. Like Brown, Sharpton would sometimes even wear a cowboy hat atop his tribute conk.

It was first through executives at Spring Records, a small Manhattan-based label affiliated with Brown, that Sharpton–who worked from the firm’s office–was introduced to various wiseguys, including Franzese. His circle of mob contacts would grow to include, among others, the Paganos, Carmine DeNoia, an imposing Pagano associate known as “Wassel,” and Joseph “Joe Bana” Buonanno, a Gambino crime family figure involved in record distribution and production.

At one point before he was “flipped,” Sharpton participated in a mob scheme to create a business front that would seek a share of lucrative Con Edison set-asides intended for minority-owned businesses. That deal, which involved garbage collection contracts, cratered when the power company determined that Sharpton’s silent partner was Genovese captain Matthew “Matty the Horse” Ianniello. Details of the Con Ed plot emerged at a federal criminal trial of Ianniello and his business partner Benjamin Cohen. It was Cohen, who worked across the hall from Spring Records, who recruited Sharpton for the mob garbage gambit.

Thursday, April 03, 2014 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

(NaturalNews) The nation is in an uproar following a recent announcement by General Motors that the company is recalling 2.5 million vehicles for a major defect that has killed dozens and injured many more. USA Today and others are reporting that a coalition of parents is now calling on the government to punish GM for not recalling the vehicles sooner, while political activist Michael Moore has piped into the conversation with pleas for GM executives to be hunted down and executed.

The controversy stems from a faulty ignition switch that GM has been installing in many of its cars for nearly a decade. Accusations claim that GM executives knew about the defective switch as far back as 2002 but did nothing about it. As a result, there have been at least 31 car wrecks and 13 deaths associated with the switch’s malfunction in the years since, which recently triggered a company-wide recall of all the affected vehicles.

“Corporate executives made a decision that fighting the problem was cheaper and easier than fixing the problem,” says Laura Christian, the mother of a 13-year-old girl who was killed back in 2005 when her Chevy Cobalt, which contained the faulty switch, crashed into a tree. Reports indicate that the girl died after airbags in the vehicle failed to deploy.

Other problems associated with the faulty switch include sudden power steering failure, which is what killed 21-year-old Kelly Erin Ruddy back in 2010. USA Today explains that the young woman burned to death after getting into a wreck due to the switch’s failure, an issue that was reluctantly acknowledged by GM just three months after Kelly died.

“I kept thinking that my heart is so broken, but the one thing I will see to is that this will never happen to another family,” stated Kelly’s mother to reporters. She and others who have had family members become seriously injured or die from the defective switch are now calling on Congress to pass legislation improving transparency within the auto industry.

To make matters worse, the faulty part would have only cost about $2 to replace per vehicle, had GM executives taken it seriously from the start. But because of their apparent disinterest in their customers’ safety, not to mention their insatiable greed, the matter was ignored until finally erupting into a national controversy that could forever taint the once-beloved household name.

“Two dollars. That’s how little this ignition switch could have cost to repair,” commented Senator Ed Markey (D-Mass.). “Two dollars that could have saved priceless lives. That was apparently $2 too much for General Motors. This recall is a decade late and dozens of lives and injuries short.”

Vaccines kill thousands annually; manufacturers exempt from legal system

Even more disheartening than this whole GM scandal, though, is the much bigger vaccine scandal — which still goes unaddressed. Though vaccines injure and kill far more people annually than defective Chevy Cobalts, there is no mainstream movement to hold vaccine manufacturers accountable for injuring and killing children.

In fact, the federal government has granted the vaccine industry total immunity from ever having to face the legal system for its crimes against humanity.

“On February 22, 2011 [sic] the U.S. Supreme Court shielded drug companies from all liability for harm caused by vaccines mandated by government when companies could have made a safer vaccine,” explains the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC).

“[D]rug companies selling vaccines in America will not be held accountable by a jury of our peers in a court of law if those vaccines brain damage us but could have been made less toxic,” it adds, noting that “if you get paralyzed by a flu shot or your child has a serious reaction to a vaccine required for school and becomes learning disabled, epileptic, autistic, asthmatic, diabetic or mentally retarded, you are on your own.”

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